Help Us In Our Mission to Inspire, Equip, and Celebrate the Cultural and Creative Talent of Schuylkill County.
You can help the Walk In Art Center fulfill our mission by sending us a donation.
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Just click the donate button above.
You can Donate using your PayPal account or with a credit card.
Please consider the ongoing monthly donation option and PayPal will automatically send your monthly donation for you.
WIAC Endowment Fund
The WIAC has established an endowment fund, from which earnings are distributed annually to be used at the discretion of the Executive Director to support the mission of the organization.
The WIAC Endowment Fund is administered by the Schuylkill Area Community Foundation. Donations are accepted year round and can be made anonymously if desired. Download the endowment donation form below.
There are occasional opportunities to volunteer at the Walk In Art Center, why not join us and help us fulfill our mission to inspire, equip and celebrate the cultural and creative talent of Schuylkill County.
Volunteering not only helps us, it helps the community. Get a great sense of satisfaction by doing your part to help! Contact us at 570-732-3728 to be added to our volunteer list.
We are always looking for sponsors for specific events (such as our SOUP-ER Bowl), general categories (such as classes or summer concerts), and big fundraisers (like the Jingle Mingle).
Sponsors are recognized on our marketing materials, at the events, and on our website with direct links to your site!